Director Lamberto Bava shows his mastery of the family business in this gory giallo. A film composer rents a villa to cr...
In this thrilling narrative, a New York taxi driver becomes obsessed with a stunning actress during the Cannes Film Fest...
This bleak and bloody 80s slasher has a protagonist that makes Norman Bates look well adjusted by comparison. Frank Zito...
Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him, so he enlists the help of his cousin, Steven, t...
A chilling tale that transcends the boundaries of the supernatural, plunging into a half-world where the living dead wal...
After receiving a blood transfusion from a wolf, a man becomes convinced that he is undergoing a terrifying transformati...
When theatre actress Yvonne Orlac's husband Stephen loses his hands in an accident, Dr. Gogol, an admirer of Yvonne, per...
The Cat O' Nine Tails is a 1970s horror mystery following a newspaper reporter and a retired blind journalist as they at...
Starring a young Darryl Hannah! A group of rangers go camping in the woods. What possibly could go wrong? A low-budget, ...
Somewhere between ZOMBIE 4 and TROLL 2, writer/director Claudio Fragasso set out to direct a suspense thriller about a s...
Starring Chuck Norris as a sheriff who tries to stop the killing spree of a silent maniacal murderer who is the result o...